The data controller for this website is Kelly Paterson. The way I gather and use personal information regarding visitors to this site is outlined below.
- If you use the contact form, this site gathers your name and email address. I will only ever use these details to contact you and I will never give them to a third party.
- If you request a quote for work, or become a client I will store your name, email address and phone number so that I can contact you in future.
- I use Google analytics to analyse traffic to the site, and this data is anonymised. More info on Google’s privacy policy here.
I use a minimal set of cookies on this site, so that I can monitor visits to the site (anonymised data), and to manage my online form.
Information on deleting or controlling cookies is available at Please note that by deleting cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of my site.